IYLIA ZAFIRAH AMRAN Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu Kampus Dungun

The availability of various types of snack bars in the market today has allowed consumers to enjoy a wide range of snack products. However, many of these snacks appear similar or common, often consisting of standard ingredients and typical fillings. This snack bar is unique as it is made from waste fruit ingredients such as melon seeds and coconut dregs, mixed with other ingredients. The seeds are treated using a slow dryer, then mixed with marshmallows and local UiTM farm kelulut honey. The snack bar is then molded in silicone and stored at freezer or chiller temperatures to maintain its shape.The purpose of this innovative product is to diversify and enrich the use of waste ingredients like treated seeds in snack bars. Additionally, using kelulut honey helps to preserve the shelf life of the product. Nourishnectar Snack bar can be marketed as cost-effective and easy to prepare since the raw materials used are cheaper compared to existing snack bars on the market. This makes the product suitable for mass production. A sensory analysis was conducted with 79 untrained panelists, testing three different variations. The samples were scored on a 7-point hedonic scale from extremely dislike (1) to extremely like (7). Five attributes were assessed: shape, appearance, crunchiness, sweetness, and overall preference. Findings from the consumer preference test showed that most panelists preferred Variation 2 (90 grams of kelulut honey) with 39 panelists choosing it. Variation 1 (70 grams of kelulut honey) was preferred by 30 panelists, and Variation 3 (110 grams of kelulut honey) was the least preferred, with only 10 panelists favoring it. Keywords: waste ingredients, fruits, snack bar