Siti Khairun Najwa Binti Kamil Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Negeri Sembilan Kampus Seremban
ColabStats revolutionizes data education with a single platform on Google Colab, powered by R. Traditional teaching often lacks engagement, hindering learning. Our aim is to make quality data education accessible to all, vital in today's data-driven world. ColabStats achieves this with personalized learning paths, interactive exercises, and real-world datasets. Its innovation lies in integrating Google Colab's collaboration tools with comprehensive R tutorials. Additionally, ColabStats offers teaching notes and programming in one place. By improving data skills, ColabStats enables individuals to make informed decisions and solve problems, driving positive change across sectors. It offers a dynamic e-learning solution, making data education inclusive and enjoyable, fostering a more data-literate society.