AMIZA BINTI ISMAIL Kolej Vokasional Sungai Petani 2

VIC24 | Tertiary (Social Science)

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Pasta Okara is an innovation product that uses soybean dregs in the manufacture of fresh fettuccine pasta. Soybean pulp is often used as animal feed. Elements of creativity and problem-solving skills have been implemented by the researchers, especially in the production of standard recipes to optimize the productivity of the waste materials. Pasta Okara that has been produced has a texture quality that is almost comparable to other fresh pasta that uses 100% semolina flour or wheat flour in its manufacture. A questionnaire survey was conducted to test the level of acceptance of this innovative product among respondents and it was found that 89% of respondents agreed that Pasta Okara has the potential to be commercialized as one of the fresh pasta products in the local market. It is hoped that the researchers' findings in innovating this food product can be used as one of the options for fans of fresh pasta and add value to the use of soybean dregs in human food.