Chips are a food that is always used as a snack. Watermelon skin chips are one of the products produced from the skin of the watermelon which is often discarded and eaten. Chips from watermelon skins also have the potential to be commercialized in the market. This study aims to produce an innovative product; leather chips among the students of Kemaman Vocational College. Among the statement of problems encountered is that watermelon rinds are usually thrown away because people are not interested in eating them and the lack of knowledge among students about the benefits of watermelon rinds. In addition, this study also finds out the acceptance of innovation products produced from watermelon rind among students. The objective of this study is to produce nutritious products without using preservatives, to know the level of acceptance of innovative products. A total of 30 respondents consisting of Kemaman Vocational College students were involved in this study. A set of questionnaires was used as a research instrument containing 15 items. The data were analyzed using total and percentage interpretation. The results of the research obtained are presented in the form of a table of scores and percentages as well as the frequency of innovative products Watermelon Skin Chips. Finally, the acceptance of the innovation product skin chips has been well received among students and will gradually launch the sale of the innovation product Watermelon Skin Chips at Kemaman Vocational College.