RAHIZAH BINTI ABDULLAH Kemaman Vocational College

VIC24 | Tertiary (Social Science)

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The innovative product Seaweed Flavored Rice Crackers is a product made from excess rice that is often thrown away and not used, in addition to that, products on the market often use excessive flavorings and preservatives. Finally crackers in the market use neat packaging and are not airtight. The objective of this study is to produce a nutritious product based on rice, not using excessive flavoring and preservatives and using neat (ziplock) and airtight packaging. Research methodology is the researcher getting information, materials, reference sources and data related to the study. The purpose of the methodology is to help understand more broadly. The questionnaire method was used among students at Kemaman Vocational College involving a total of 30 respondents consisting of 15 female students and 15 male students. The data is analyzed by using the interpretation of numbers and percentages. The results of the research obtained, presented in the form of a table of scores and percentages of innovative products. This Seaweed Flavored Rice Cracker is a nutritious product. This product can be used as a healthy and easy afternoon snack and can save food production costs for consumers. The results of the data analysis show that respondents agree on the innovative product Seaweed Flavored Rice Crackers among students at Kemaman Vocational College.