JS266: Alif SUGI

Sheikh Nuqman Ali Bin Sh Mohd Firdaus Sekolah Rendah Islam Bahrul Ulum

VIC24 | Junior Scientist

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Sugi or miswak was a recommended sunnah by Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Alif SUGI is a new type tooth brush that enhance the sugi stick user experience. Our objective is to promote sunnah culture for young generations. The design has been improved using 3D modelling software and fabricated with 3D printing technology. Current design was not not attractive and the sugi cap easily lost like the pen cap. Due to that Alif SUGI have three advantages compare to current sugi design available in the market. First it use roller type casing which can avoid losing cap. It has various color that attract younger user. The size similar to pen size which it easy for storage. Our Alif SUGI has very good commercialization potential for young generation attract to sunnah culture.