ST176: I-Trace : Area Approximation By Triangle Coordination Method

Nurul Affaeeza Affendi Universiti Teknologi Mara

A sophisticated program called i-Trace was created expressly to help surveyors and researchers calculate land areas accurately. i-Trace system makes land measurement on graph paper easier by applying the concepts of triangular coordinate geometry, yielding accurate results for a range of land shapes and sizes. i-Trace boasts an intuitive interface designed for ease of use, allowing users to input coordinates effortlessly. Coordinate Input: By entering the vertices' coordinates directly into i-Trace, users can do away with the necessity for tedious calculations. i-Trace revolutionizes land calculation by combining the principles of triangle coordinate geometry with modern technology. With its user-friendly interface, seamless integration with graph paper, and precise calculations, i-Trace is the ultimate tool for researchers and surveyors seeking accurate land area measurements. By applying this prototype method of calculation process, i-Trace saves time for researchers and surveyors, enabling them to focus on other aspects of their work. Thus, this improves overall project for the public and leads industries to reduced resource utilization, less time & cost in achieving efficient and precise results. Nevertheless, tracing in small size of land may be tedious and error-prone due to doing it manually. For that reason, with this graphical user interface (GUI), referred to as i-Trace, the process becomes efficient and accurate.. Hence, i-Trace system is versatile and can handle various land shapes and sizes, making it suitable for a wide range of applications