ABSTRACT OF VIRTUAL INNOVATION COMPETITION RE-SBP ANGELINA RITA ARULDASS, NARMATAN TAMIL ARASAN, THAVARUBAN A/L JAGAVEERAN, DURKASINI A/P KUMAR, VARUNA JYOTI A/P VIMALANATHAN PROJECT LEADER : ANGELINA RITA ARUSDASS PROJECT ASSISTANT : NARMATAN TAMIL ARASAN GUIDE TEACHER : SABRINA A/P SENGODAN, SHALINI A/P MURUGAN, RAJASVERY A/P MANOKARAN Correspondence Author: Email : [email protected] ABSTRACT: Recycling has always been a great counter measure towards pollution. However, recycling in Malaysia has been declining exponentially over the years due to lack of awareness, leading to a major loss in economy. RE-SBP aims to implement a habit of recycling into the lives of mainly boarding school students through early education that’ll turn into a habit for them to carry into their adulthood. This will in return, increase recycling rates of future generations and help reduce the adverse effects of pollution. Recycling is also being held back by contamination of recyclable materials from irresponsible garbage disposal. Through utilizing a boarding school’s house system to its fullest extent, students will learn how to properly recycle and the importance of recycling. Alongside our systemized management, is a remodeled recycling bin designed to help students recycle in a much simpler and easier way suitable for their boarding school life. In conclusion, RE-SBP will be able to implement a habit of recycling in the lives of young students so that recycling rates can exponentially increase and thus, help reduce the negative impact of pollution and raise awareness on the matter at hand.