VIC24 | Young Scientist

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The purpose of this project is to overcome the problem of wounds. This innovation is expected to be able to provide a solution to the problem of wounds and encourage the use of natural materials. It works as a substitute for the production of antiseptics. This cream reduces the reliance on chemicals in the production of antiseptic creams. In addition, it also solves the local problem related to airplane leaf trees. The rationale behind the production of this product is to overcome the problem of wounds on the body and encourage the use of natural materials. Seen this product is very significant in solving the problem faced. The marketability of this chromolaena odorata cream is seen to be able to provide competitiveness to other antiseptic cream-based products because it is more economical, environmentally friendly and reliable. This Choromolaena Odorata Cream product is seen to be able to have a positive impact especially on the local community in improving their economic status. This product produced can be used to solve allergy problems with chemicals found in anti septic. This Choromolaena Odorata cream can be improved by increasing the mixture of starch in the mix of plane leaves. In addition, it is suggested to add applications that are not only focused on medicine and health, but may also be used to produce materials for other medical support tools such as diarrhea medicine.