Our project is Anti Sleep Save Your Life. Accidents are a big issue nowadays. We see the transports on the road, transporting the goods over a large distance. Most of the drivers drive days and nights without sleep. Most of them feel sleepy while driving. It is a big issue considering drivers are not fully conscious while driving such a big vehicle. This project will solve this problem.When the driver wears these spectacles and when the sensor is fitted on it will beep when the driver closes his eyes until the driver opens his eyes. We use spectacles, IR sensors, microbit, RekaBit, and power bank in this project. In Malaysia, a study by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) reported that fatigue was one of the biggest causes of crashes involving cars, lorries, and buses. To avoid all these consequences and accidents, an Anti Sleep Safe Our Life device would be a great option. This project aims to develop an innovative anti-sleep eye blink detection system for drivers using an infrared (IR) proximity sensor. The system serves to prevent accidents caused by driver drowsiness by detecting and alerting the driver about potential fatigue-induced lapses in attention. The primary objective is to develop a reliable system that can accurately detect the driver's eye blinks and alert them in real time when signs of drowsiness are detected. By using an infrared (IR) sensor, the system aims to monitor the driver's alertness levels. The overall goal is to reduce the incidence of accidents resulting from driver fatigue, safeguard lives, and promote safer roadways