YS1193: Smart Flood Detection System (SFDS)

Aveenas Josep A/l Arasan SMK St Paul

VIC24 | Young Scientist

CR: 0.0556 | 1 Likes | 18 Views | 71 times | LS: 72.1
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In Malaysia flash floods is a frequent occurrence that causes property damage, disturbance of daily life, and fatalities. The Smart Flood Detection System (SFDF) was developed provide accurate flood forecasts and early warnings. SFDS utilizes machine learning algorithms fused with analysis of data obtained from water level sensor. SFDS can provide accurate and timely flash flood alerts to communities and emergency responders. Continuously refinement and improve SFDS based on feedback from testing, prototyping, and demonstration to emergency responders is key. There is room to incorporate new technologies, algorithms, and features to enhance its accuracy, reliability, and usability.