In the era of globalization, usage of fertilizer has increased tremendously to accommodate the need of overgrowing population by agriculture. The fertilizer used by most farmers is chemical fertilizer. As an alternative for this chemical fertilizer, we have come up with the idea of creating a composed organic liquid fertilizer. This fertilizer is basically made from food waste such as banana peel, rotten tomatoes, and coffee and tea grounds. Normally we will throw all the food waste directly into the trash can and only some use this food waste to convert it into organic fertilizer. The food waste can be turned into useful elements required by the plants to grow healthily. Eventually, any type natural material of fertilizer that used to soil or plant tissues to provides nutrients. Natural fertilizers are the best for plants compared to chemical ones. By converting food waste into liquid fertilizer by composting is the most efficient treatment to produce environmentally safe and agronomically advantageous organic waste amends. Composting can also be a good way to recycle food waste rather than throwing it away. Corga liquid fertilizer used well balanced NPK formula. Collected liquid dilute with ratio 1:18 of water. The seed germination observed after 3 days and length of plant where measured by ruler. The results shows that organic liquid fertilizer is highly rich in nutrients and a useful source of organic fertilizer. Moreover, this organic liquid fertilizer is an economical product and viable for farmers without any environmental impact. By adding more green material to compost can speed up the rate of decomposition compared to brown organic material. Besides that, cutting or chopping down food waste into smaller size can increase the surface area and this helps bacteria to break down the waste into compost easily. This corga liquid is environmentally friendly and very safe to use for plants and soil. Keywords : Compost organic liquid fertilizer, Nitrogen (N), Phosp