YS1055: Cholesterol-Lowering Supplement From Syzygium Polyanthum And Moringa Oleifera

Felicia Pratiastuti SMAK Santu Petrus

VIC24 | Young Scientist

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The main goal of this study is to determine the quality and organoleptic value of the cholesterol-lowering supplement from Syzygium polyanthum (Bay Leaf) and Moringa oleifera (Moringa). A research was conducted where cholesterol levels, pH levels, and toxicity effects were tested using 3 samples with the ratio of 1:1, 2:1, and 1:1. Independent variables include bay leaf extract, raw bay leaf powder, and raw moringa leaf powder. The difference between the first and the third sample is that the former uses raw bay leaf powder while the latter uses bay leaf extract. The test results indicate that the product is very effective in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL). Sample 2 is proven to be the best ratio in terms of safety and effectiveness as it reaches the ideal pH value which is 7,51. The supplement can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body as bay leaves and moringa leaves have strong antioxidant effects. Based on the research that was conducted, the cholesterol-lowering supplement that is made from natural and traditional ingredients, which are bay leaves and moringa leaves, can be a new alternative for people who suffer from high cholesterol ratings.