YS806: Eco Enzyme Smart Tank


VIC24 | Young Scientist

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Domestic waste is any waste that is generated in the home from day-to-day activities. One of example of domestic waste are kitchen wastes. Kitchen waste, also known as food waste or organic waste, refers to the organic materials discarded from cooking, food preparation, and consumption in households. This includes items such as fruit and vegetable peels, leftovers, coffee grounds, and spoiled food. The improper management of kitchen waste can have several negative effects such as environmental pollution, resource depletion, financial loss, climate change and public health risks. To mitigate these effects, it's essential to reduce food waste through strategies. A new robotic tank is designed to produce eco enzyme using plant kitchen waste that called Eco Enzyme Smart Tank. The creation of the eco enzyme smart tank aligns with SDG 12, which aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The use of this tank aligns with the country's efforts to reduce solid waste, specifically kitchen waste from plant sources. Producing eco enzymes can create new materials with numerous benefits for human life. The eco enzyme smart tank is designed to be placed in residential parks. The use of this tank can address the issue of domestic waste accumulation in the area. This aims to reduce environmental pollution caused by the disposal of domestic waste by residents. This innovation aligns with SDG 11, which aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. The use of the eco enzyme smart tank can help the government reduce waste disposal management costs in residential areas. The waste disposed, not only produce new materials but also help protect the environment in residential areas. This innovation is designed based on the concept of producing eco enzymes. It is equipped with an Arduino microcontroller that will automatically control the tank's operations which is equipped with several sensors.