Superb Kustrap is a mousetrap innovation product project placed in an existing trash rat at a food premises equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT) digital system. The problem of the frequent presence of rats in food premises due to hygiene problems refers to the analysis of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) in 2012-2016 found that 635,439 inspections of food premises throughout the country and that 15,731 unsanitary food premises were closed under Section 11 of the Food Act 1983. Meanwhile, in 2022, MOH recorded 8 food premises closed due to rat problems around Selangor. The objective of the production of this Superb Kustrap is to trap rats with an optimal amount. In addition, the product is also able to notify the owner of the premises when there is a presence of rodents. The structure of the Kustrap Superb is made of soft steel which can trap mice by 4 to 5 at a time. The size of this trap has been innovated from the existing trap which is 20 cm x 17 cm x 35 cm which is placed on the bottom in the existing bin at the food premises. The findings were analyzed in the form of a percentage showing that 96% of respondents stated that this product is convenient for various parties such as premise owners, local authorities, and customers. While 92% of respondents also agreed that the electronic counter system can count the number of rats that go into the mousetrap. As a result of the test, data conducted around Shah Alam, the highest number of mouse catches was 4 to 5 at each location at any given time tested with a total of 18 mice in total. In conclusion, the respondents' feedback on Superb Kustrap was positive and encouraging as the innovations were needed by the premise owners to reduce the problem of the presence of rats on the premises. Through this study, it can also be proven that this product can trap mice and has great potential to reduce the presence of mice in food premises if improvements in the future. Keywords: Rats, traps, trash bins, super