PR1311: Inclusive Job

Azman Bin Ab Malik School Of Computer Science

VIC24 | Professional

CR: nan | Likes | Views | 88 times | LS: 88.0
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This project addresses the challenges faced by Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) in Malaysia in accessing job opportunities through existing job-seeking websites. The project aims to develop a dedicated job-seeking website, InclusiJobs, tailored to the specific needs of OKU. In addition, it aims to create an up-to-date database to better serve and empower the OKU community, filling a significant gap in government records. The proposed solution includes a user-friendly interface, an integrated resume builder, company matching, disability filters, and accessibility information. The project aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8, 9, and 17, contributing to decent work, inclusive industrialization, and global partnerships.