The Face Recognition E-Library App is a groundbreaking solution designed specifically for primary students. Traditional school libraries have limitations on outdated systems. As a solution, we develop a Face Recognition AI E-Library system for school students. The Key Challenges are integrating face recognition technology while keeping the system user-friendly. Our System Features are secure Login Through Face Recognition, Borrowers’ basic details, inventory of books, Books returning due dates and notification on due dates. So we implement a secure login system using face recognition technology. Students can be authenticated by simply looking at the camera. It provides a dashboard where librarians can view the borrowed books, send reminders for due dates via notifications., allow easy book renewals if needed, eliminating the need for passwords. Our app also enable school to track their student’s reading habits, show reading progress, favourite genres, and books count. School can set reading goals and library usages. USE of this system is in line with sdg4 and 9. Digitalization of library system is vital. So, let‘s produce reading student community