ST481: Tick Tack Tock Machine

Nur Dini Uzma Binti Sabri Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia Kampus Perlis

ABSTRAK Tick Tack Tock Machine is a mathematical learning machine that we have created to help young learners aged 5 to 6 understand addition better. Through the research on common problems in preschoolers, we found that children aged 5 to 6 often struggle to understand the concept of addition due to its abstract nature. To address this issue, we came out with the idea of creating a learning machine inspired by the concept of the capsule vending machine which is known to attract children with its fun nature. Therefore, we chose to utilise the Learning by Doing Theory by John Dewey that emphasizes the need to experience something in order to understand it better. By using Tick Tack Tock Machine, children will be able to understand how to add the numbers by doing it themselves with helps of concrete materials and under the guidance of teachers. Next, to prove the effectiveness of our creation, we conducted observation and interviews with four preschoolers aged 5 to 6. As a result, Tick Tack Tock Machine benefits the children in understanding the concept of addition while also increasing the fun of learning mathematics, thus attracting young learners to actively participate in class. In summary, this innovation creation offers a playful approach to teaching addition, benefiting young learners by making math more accessible and engaging as it is often perceived as difficult for them to understand. KeyWords: Tick Tack Tock Machine, Addition, Mathematics, Learning by Doing, Fun Learning