VIC24 | Young Scientist

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As the climate change crisis has worsened, the weather in Malaysia has increased dramatically which brings high intensity UV rays that do nothing but harm the skin. Due to that, sunburns and extreme sun tans become common skin problems faced by everyone, especially high school teenagers who play sports and have to constantly worry about their appearance. The product of this innovation is Epitychia. The purpose of this innovation is to produce a skincare that treats sunburns and extreme tans while improving the quality of the skin barrier,ready to use in a stick form. Epitychia contains beeswax as a hardening agent that also hydrates, conditions, soothes, and calms the skin. It exfoliates, repairs damage, promotes the skin's regeneration, diminishes the appearance of the signs of aging, soothes itchiness and irritation. Shea butter is also added to soften the beeswax to get a smooth application and helps skin retain moisture, which makes it soft and smooth since it's loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Our product is complemented with lavender oil that can reduce discoloration, including dark spots. The method used to make this product is ‘double boiling’. To make the product, start by putting beeswax in a plastic bag and boiling it. After melting, remove the wax film during the cooling process. In a bowl, put shea butter in and boil. After that, mix in the beeswax and lavender oil together. When it fully mixes, pour the mixture into the solid-liquid consistency in an empty-stick container. Then Epitychia is ready to use for all.