JS1452: Peregrin Flower : A Natural PH Indicator For Household Applications


The study investigates the feasibility of utilising Peregrin flower extracts to indicate acidity or alkalinity in common household items such as cleaning solutions, cosmetics, and food products. Through a series of experiments, the color response of Peregrin flower extract to different pH ranges is observed and documented.The results demonstrate the effectiveness of Peregrin flower extract as a pH indicator, exhibiting discernible color changes that correlate with specific pH levels. In acidic environments, the extract displays vibrant hues of red or pink, while alkaline solutions elicit shades of blue or purple. These color changes provide a simple yet reliable method for assessing the pH of household substances, facilitating informed decision-making in everyday tasks.Furthermore, the use of Peregrin flower as a natural pH indicator offers several advantages over synthetic alternatives, including sustainability, biodegradability, and non-toxicity. Its accessibility and affordability make it an accessible option for households seeking eco-friendly alternatives to conventional pH testing methods.