ST922: V-Swim Swimming For Visual Impaired Individuals


The V-swim innovatively transforms the swimming experience for the visually impaired by harnessing advanced technological integrations. Utilizing the latest YOLO v8 image recognition technology, it uniquely identifies swimmers through the detection of a distinct pink swim cap, accurately pinpointing their location in the pool via a meticulously defined Region of Interest (ROI). An integrated MP3 module, connected to wired headphones, provides precise auditory guidance, enabling seamless navigation during aquatic activities. A 3-axis accelerometer facilitates meticulous performance tracking, interfacing with a specialized mobile application to offer immediate feedback on swimming velocity. Additionally, an innovative waterproof ultrasonic sensor ensures safety by issuing alerts when swimmers near the pool's edge within a critical two-meter boundary. This comprehensive solution not only guarantees independence and security but also significantly enhances the swimming experience for visually impaired individuals.