MUHAMMAD AZRI BIN AZNI Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah

A Drain Cleaner Techno (DCT) project is an innovative application of technology that can revolutionize the drain industry by introducing a new level of efficiency and convenience.This project involves the development of a system that can automatically detect rubbish and clear clogs using advanced sensors and algorithms. The primary aim of a drain cleaner techno project is to improve the functionality and reliability of drain systems by reducing the need for manual intervention and preventing potential damage to the drainage system. The system typically includes various sensors such as an automatic on off switch, and a water level sensor which can detect when a drain is clogged and trigger the cleaning process. The system works by collecting data from these sensors and analysing it using advanced algorithms namely blynk to determine the appropriate action to take. If a clog is detected, the system can initiate a mechanical or chemical cleaning process to clear the blockage. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the risk of human error, which can lead to further damage to the drainage system. Moreover, the use of DCT can also significantly reduce the need for costly repairs or replacements of drain systems. Overall, a DCT project has the designed potential to revolutionize the drain industry by providing a more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solution to clogged drains. By means of continued research and development, this technology could become commonplace in homes and businesses around the world, improving the functionality and longevity of drain systems for years to come.