The Smart Solar Refrigerator (SSR) project combines innovative technology with sustainability to address critical challenges in refrigeration. Designed for workplaces and homes, the SSR leverages solar power and smart monitoring for efficient operation and accessibility. The SSR harnesses solar power, providing clean and renewable energy for refrigeration. By reducing reliance on conventional electricity sources, it contributes to achieving SDG 7. Solar refrigeration significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing the sun’s rays. This action helps protect our planet and supports climate mitigation efforts. The SSR represents an innovative solution, combining solar technology with refrigeration. By enhancing infrastructure and promoting sustainable practices, it aligns with SDG 9. The objective of the project is to generate electricity using a solar power system to help the refrigerator system to minimize expenses over conventional energy production technology and to test the rate at which energy is consumed. The second objective is to design a moving solar refrigerator for disabled people and senior citizens for their needs. The third objective is to provide foods and medicines for COVID 19 patients. In addition, this refrigerator can be used in two ways, either by electric power or solar system. The material for this project also have special characteristics such as a charge controller working to control the power from the solar panel which reverses back to solar panel get cause of panel damage and battery system act as storage of electric power is used when sunlight is unavailable. While for the component formation process, the methodological study is used to plan the project production process by using flow charts as a guide for production planning and project testing. As a result of this whole project successfully produced a solar system for this refrigerator, the system has been good accuracy with an average error rate of monitoring results of so