JS376: SmartEco Composter

Hanis Safiyya Binti Mohd Hafiz Sekolah Kebangsaan Sena

In recent years, the need to deal with food waste and encourage recycling has gotten more and more attention because it has big effects on the environment. Composting is a natural way for organic matter to break down, and it could be a good way to keep organic garbage out of landfills and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Traditional composting ways, on the other hand, might seem hard or impossible to youngsters. Since this is the case, combining teaching tools with new technologies like IoT sensors is a great way to make composting easier and more fun, especially for kids. The SmartiEco Composter uses a number of different techniques to make the composting process easier and better. At the heart of its design is a strong container that was made to hold organic trash. In addition, a mechanical aerator is included to promote comprehensive mixing and aeration, both of which are critical for microbial activity. Importantly, IoT temperature and moisture sensors work together to give real-time tracking and alerts, which ensures the best conditions for composting and speeds up the decomposition process. In addition, the incorporation of a bottom dispenser improves usability and user satisfaction by providing easy access to mature compost. Early tests of the SmartiEco Composter have shown that it can speed up the breakdown of organic garbage and make nutrient-rich compost. Implementing IoT sensors has been very helpful in keeping the right conditions for composting, which has increased speed and decreased the chance of failure. Additionally, user feedback shows that kids who are composting are very interested and excited about the process. This supports the SmartiEco Composter's usefulness and effectiveness as a teaching tool. In conclusion, the SmartiEco Composter is a big step forward in teaching about the environment and managing trash in a way that doesn't harm it.