The Bestari IoT Farm project aims to revolutionize traditional farming practices by integrating smart technologies. Focused on farmers and home gardeners, this innovative system leverages sensors to monitor critical environmental factors and enhance overall productivity. The project detects soil moisture levels using specialized sensors and automates irrigation, ensuring optimal water usage. It provides real-time temperature and moisture data for informed decision-making. Traditional farming practices face challenges in optimizing resource usage, monitoring, and managing crops effectively, and adapting to changing environmental conditions. It leading to decreased productivity, increased costs, and environmental impact. Our BESTARI IOT FARM keeps our garden safe by censoring people who get in. The sensors gather and analyze data about changing weather, soil moisture, moisture conditions, water temperature and water level. With the development of sensor technology, the system can be elevated to the next level, which helps the users utilize their investment in an economic manner. If soil nutrient sensors can be installed, then the system can be modified to precisely supply fertilizer to the garden. This system saves manpower and efficiently utilizes the water resources available, ultimately leading to more profit. The Bestari IoT Farm aims to enhance overall productivity by optimizing resource usage and improving crop management. Increased crop yield due to efficient irrigation and data-driven decisions contributes to food security. In summary, the Bestari IoT Farm project contributes to multiple SDGs by promoting sustainable agriculture, efficient resource utilization, and informed decision-makingIn summary, Bestari IoT Farm offers numerous advantages to farmers and garden owners, including improved efficiency, increased crop yield, resource conservation, data-driven decision-making, and remote monitoring and control.