YS1004: Zesty Dish Magic: Eco-Friendly Cleaning With Orange Peels

WAN 'AISYAH BINTI WAN MOHD HAZIM Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pandan Indah

VIC24 | Young Scientist

CR: 0.0667 | 1 Likes | 15 Views | 47 times | LS: 48.1
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This innovation introduces an innovative dishwashing liquid made from orange peels and vinegar. This project tackles household waste and harmful chemical cleaners by repurposing discarded orange peels into a natural, eco-friendly cleaner. By using simple, natural ingredients, this solution reduces waste and minimizes environmental impact. It eliminates the need for conventional dishwashing liquids that come in plastic packaging and contain harmful chemicals. This project not only promotes sustainability but also educates on how everyday kitchen waste can be transformed into effective cleaning products, highlighting the importance of eco-friendly practices for a cleaner, greener future.