3MT73: The Driving Force Behind Housewives Entrepreneurial Intention In Malaysia: A Study Of Passion, Support, And Competence

Hemavathi Gunasegaran Universiti Tun Abdul Razak

VIC24 | Virtual 3MT

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The entrepreneurial landscape in Malaysia is witnessing a rise in women entrepreneurs, notably among housewives who are motivated by both necessity and opportunity. This research aims to fill the gap in understanding the distinct factors that drive housewives towards entrepreneurship. Focusing on entrepreneurial passion, social support, technological competence, economic need, and opportunity recognition, this study employs a quantitative research survey methodology with a sample of 432 respondents from various housewives communities. Findings reveal that motivational factors significantly influence housewives' entrepreneurial intentions in Malaysia. Specifically, entrepreneurial passion, social support, and technological competence emerge as critical drivers. Economic need also plays a pivotal role, both as a direct motivator and as a mediator enhancing the impact of entrepreneurial passion. However, opportunities recognition does not significantly influence entrepreneurial intentions, highlighting a key area for development. Yet, the presence of opportunity recognition as mediator in the relationship between entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial intention is significant.The research concludes that while housewives in Malaysia exhibit high interest and motivation for entrepreneurship, there is a notable deficiency in opportunity recognition skills. This limitation affects their entrepreneurial potential despite their passion and support networks. Recommendations include developing targeted educational programs and support networks to improve opportunity recognition and technological proficiency among housewives. Future research encouraged to explore barriers to opportunity recognition and strategies to mitigate these challenges, thereby empowering housewives to succeed in entrepreneurial ventures.