Plastic waste is one of the world’s most pressing human health and environmental concerns. Focusing into agriculture sector, polybags made of polythene which used to transplant plants threaten the environment as it is made of non-biodegradable substance. Another huge problem in Malaysia is food wastage. Accumulation of food waste affects water, land and biodiversity. It is known that food waste is unique as compost agent as it is the main source of organic matters. Hence, the problems were identified and a best solution was drawn by producing plant transplanting bag which was named as Organo Bag from coconut husk with the addition of food waste as fertilizer which is environmental friendly. Coconut husk was stick together using tapioca starch with crushed eggshells, tea waste and dried banana peel. It was let to dry under sunlight for a week. Coconut husk has good water retention, banana peel provides potassium, eggshell provides calcium and phosphorus, and tea waste provides nitrogen for plants. This leads to excellent growth of plants. Comparing to polybag, Organo Bag is biodegradable and act as direct fertilizer as coconut husk contains potassium. The addition of food waste makes the Organo Bag stand out when compared to commercial bags. Hence, Organo Bag is kind to planet as it is made of agricultural waste and food waste. In a way, it reduces production of waste.