SS1408: Nap Nomad

MARTAH KUIN Universiti Teknologi Sabah

Introducing the Nap Nomad project, a new line of smart sleeping bags designed to provide comfortable sleep for travelers at any time and place. Nap Nomad is also designed to help travelers who enjoy long trips, as it is easy to carry, making this backpack ideal for travel or outdoor adventures. These innovative sleeping bags are specifically designed to provide comfort for quick naps, with a unique shape and design that supports the user's head. In addition, the sleeping bags are equipped with sensors to monitor sleep patterns and gather health data for optimal comfort and rest. The backpack uses solar energy to maintain sustainability and keep the sensors running continuously. It can also be used as an electronic device power bank. Our backpack features sustainability and eco-friendliness, reducing environmental impact by replacing electric energy resources. Overall, Nap Nomad offers an advanced sleeping solution with sensors and solar power to provide maximum comfort and rest.