PR1549: Cc-SMAT: A Color-Coded Mobile-Assisted Tense Tool For Interpretation Of Statistical Values With Correct Tenses

Roseline Michael Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Sabah

VIC24 | Professional

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Accurate interpretation of statistical values is essential for effective research communication. English-tense errors can lead to misinterpretations, highlighting the need for innovative solutions. This innovation introduces the cc-SMAT (Colour-Coded Mobile-Assisted Tense Tool) to assist users in selecting the appropriate tenses for statistical reporting. By utilising colour-coded visual cues, cc-SMAT offers intuitive guidance, reducing errors in tense selection. With real-time feedback and a user-friendly interface, cc-SMAT improves the accuracy of statistical reporting for students, researchers, and professionals. Its unique features include detailed verb conjugations and Malay translations. The commercial potential of cc-SMAT lies in enhancing user confidence and facilitating clear communication of statistical findings.