Gangashene Thanaraj SJKT KAJANG

Rainwater from the open wide airspace contents less pollutions. Foreign materials from rainwater can cause bacteria growth which will affect the user’s health if polluted. An affordable filtration system with good filtration material to eliminate upcoming alarming health issues is needed. Under United National Sustainable Development Goals, Number 6 and 7, our team simply targets for safe, sanitized, and hygienic water for our people beside affordable system that supports ideas. This system demonstrates a basic understanding on how rainwater being collected, filtered by three layers system with very low cost. Rainwater collected at rooftop being transferred to filtration tank. Filtration tank consists of three layers of filtration where is cotton was placed at the bottom layers, small stones at the first layers and big stones at the second layers. The rainwaters will be filtered and collected at collection tank. The rainwater at rooftop travelled to filtration tank. It takes few minutes for the water to able to be fully filtered as it must go through three layers of filtration. The water inside collection tank water is clear.