The main problem that causes the loss of interest in drawing among primary and secondary school students is due to not being good at drawing and not being good at imitating pictures. Therefore, we have looked for an alternative to make it easier for students to draw in a very simple way. Our innovative product is called Easy Draw. It uses used materials and does not involve any cost. We used used boxes, and screws and a pencil. The target of our study is to all students who are not good at drawing, especially students who have a weak drawing comparison rate. But our focus is more on the students at SK Methodist ACS. Our innovation is very easy to use and can be used anywhere. All the pictures can be copied and it helps students to draw based on the correct proportions and proportions. Images can also be resized. We can enlarge the image or reduce the size of the image to be produced. Among the advantages of our innovative products is that it can save time to produce sketches. Easy Draw also helps students who are weak in drawing so that they can draw well according to the correct ratio. Easy Draw is also an environmentally friendly product because it uses used materials. When the student is good at drawing, the work that the student produces will also improve and then the work can be sold. Therefore, this Easy Draw innovation product indeed has the potential to be expanded and can be marketed because it is not limited to primary school students, but all ages can be used.