ST1336: Game-based Learning Named "Auni's Adventure" To Empower Cognitive Abilities For Special Needs Children

'AISYAH BINTI ABDUL JALIL Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Cawangan Selangor Kampus Puncak Alam

"Auni’s Adventure," a game-based learning tool, is designed to address educational challenges to enhance cognitive skills targeting problem-solving, spatial orientation, praxis, and mathematical skills faced by children with ADHD, dyscalculia, and dyspraxia. In Malaysia, ADHD prevalence is significantly higher ranging from 9% to 12.5% compared to the global average with the value from 4% to 8%, with substantial overlap with other learning disabilities. To evaluate the game's effectiveness, participants involving parents, special education teachers, therapists, and community members used the game and provided feedback through a structured online questionnaire distributed via WhatsApp. The survey results, analyzed for statistical insights, revealed a high level of parental involvement (57.4%), with occupational therapists (13%) and special education teachers (9.3%) also contributing valuable perspectives. The feedback highlighted significant cognitive improvements, especially in mathematical skills (92.6%) and spatial orientation (87%), alongside positive reception for the game's engagement and design. These findings affirm "Auni’s Adventure" as an effective tool for enhancing cognitive abilities in children with special needs, offering a promising educational resource for diverse learning environments.