JS1153: A Development Of Gas Leak Detector And Fire Detection System

Mirthana A/P Balu SJK (T) Pusat Telok Datok

: In today's culture, when safety from potential gas leaks and fire threats is vital, the development of improved detection systems has become critical. This project aims to build and construct a comprehensive Gas Leak Detector and Fire Detection System as a robot system in which a machine can extinguish a fire. The system combines cutting-edge sensors, such as the MQ2 Gas/Smoke Sensor and Flame Sensor, with automatic response mechanisms that identify and respond to gas leaks and fire breakouts in real time. Additionally, the system includes ultrasonic sensors for obstacle recognition and avoidance, ensuring smooth operation in dynamic conditions. A microprocessor controls the system's activities, while a water sprayer actively suppresses fires. Through rigorous testing and refining, the system aims to improve safety measures throughout Keywords: Internet of Things; Gas Leak Detector, Fire Detection System, Safety, Hazard Detection, Gas/Smoke Sensor, Flame Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Microcontroller,