ST1257: IoT Enabled Newborn Baby Incubator Monitoring System


The baby incubator is a medical device that creates a safe and regulated environment for preterm infants to reside in while their important organs mature. It provides an environment that can be modified to provide the optimal temperature, humidity, and light, while also protecting the infant from allergies, infections, excessive noises, and light levels that could be harmful. An incubator may incorporate equipment to monitor a variety of factors, including a baby's temperature and humidity. Therefore, this project introduces an innovative IoT-based monitoring system for neonatal incubators that aims to improve neonatal care through real-time, comprehensive health monitoring. It integrates sensors and cameras to monitor key parameters such as temperature (35°C to 37°C), humidity (40-60%), and heart rate (120 to 160 bpm), all of which are critical for infant growth. The system includes a camera module for continuous visual monitoring as well as a focused incubator equipped with IoT technologies to ensure a highly regulated care environment. This setup allows for continuous data collection, environmental control, and proactive interventions. This project aims to set new standards in neonatal care by providing medical professionals with real-time access to vital statistics, ensuring a stable, nurturing environment critical to newborn health and development. The innovation promises to significantly advance the quality of neonatal care, focusing on the optimal well-being of infants.