This 2S-MATH Innovation Prototype is focused on the use of modern technology in agriculture. Why agriculture? Developed countries usually position agriculture as the main industry. Neither commodity crops nor electronic goods. The state of Pahang is almost as big as Netherland but how Malaysia still imports food from abroad and Netherland has become the world's 2nd largest exporter in agriculture. Our country is quite far behind other developed countries either in terms of cultivation or in terms of the robotic technology used. Therefore, the prototype of this innovation model is aimed at providing early exposure to students, students, as well as sharing with the community and community on the importance of modern agriculture. The choice of oyster mushroom cultivation is a good choice as it is easy to care for either on a small scale or commercially. The use of a roof consisting of straw foam and aluminum foil layer as well as the use of cotton and plastic, is able to lower the temperature by up to 30 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature for the growth of oyster mushroom growth ranges from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. Besides that, there is also a thermometer to detect the ambient temperature of the mushroom house as well as a water pump aimed at draining the drain and floor of the mushroom house to get the ideal temperature. With the construction of a prototype of this innovation model, the use of micro:bit as the main component, it can educate the public on the importance of agriculture as one of the main sources of the country's economy as well as to provide adequate food supply to the people without having to import outside food one day. In addition, the use of air quality control devices is expected to provide a suitable environment for life. The safety aspect is also enhanced with automatic bars and automatic doors for employees or visitors from outside to get in and out. This innovation can also enhance students' knowledge in gathering information, generating