YS784: Navigallant

Atiff Hakimi Bin Salehhuddin SM Sains Tuanku Munawir

VIC24 | Young Scientist

CR: 0.1858 | 60 Likes | 323 Views | 69 times | LS: 140.2
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This project presents an innovative Augmented Reality (AR) navigation tool designed to enhance user experience in complex environments such as airports, shopping malls, and large campuses. By integrating AR technology with real-time location data, the tool overlays directional prompts, points of interest, and contextual information onto the user’s field of view through their smartphone or AR glasses. This system aims to reduce the cognitive load associated with traditional navigation methods, improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and increase overall efficiency. The project's development involves interdisciplinary collaboration in AR technology, user interface design, and spatial data analytics.