JS378: Hydraulic Trolley

Nur Alesha Auni Binti Aidil Sekolah Kebangsaan Sena

In this era of modernization, there are various revolutions in the field of engineering. However, there are still changes in the process of moving an item or loading it to a higher place compilation using ladder. The invention of the elevator is one of the solutions for the burden process transfer process, however lift facilities are not available everywhere. For example,schools, construction areas, colleges and so on. This project aims to create a suitable mechanism for moving loads through stairs either up or down. This shows that humans needs are increasing over time. A hand trolley is one of the tools that can be used to descendpressure from loads on flat ground. However, usually these devices fail to carry the load through stairs So this project aims to create a trolley that can lift heavy loads and be used through stairs or uneven terrain with low energy required to operate. In addition, the main objective of this project is to find an effective and user-friendly method for users to carry loads through stairs with the minimum force possible thus providing a compilation of smooth movements for load transfer process. Therefore, we have innovated a trolley that can and makes it easier for people to liftheavy loads without using a lot of energy. This trolley has four wheels. Adjustable the handle bar feature is added to match the user's comfort by adding an ergonomic factor to ensure the user can feel more comfortable when using this product.