YS1050: GLYCLESS” Lower The Sugar In Food And Drinks Without Changing their taste


VIC24 | Young Scientist

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Indonesian people really like sugary foods and drinks. But eating too much sugar can cause health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. To deal with this, researchers made something called “Glycless”. It helps to lower the sugar in food and drinks without changing their taste. We used plants and fruits like perilla leaves (Perilla frutescens), beets (Beta vulgaris L), and snake fruit (Salacca zalacca), which are known for fighting diabetes. We tested different combinations of these ingredients to find the best one for reducing sugar in treats like martabak and milk tea. The 1:2:2 ratio worked the best. Glycless has succeeded in reducing the sugar in martabak and milk tea. It has things like rosmarinic acid and ascorbic acid that help lower sugar levels. Tests showed that people really liked the taste, smell, and look of Glycless-treated food and drinks. So, Glycless is a promising way to cut sugar without sacrificing flavor.