JS1298: How To Prevent From Flood


Flood has become one of the major problems and most challenging part to all countries in the world including our country Malaysia. Flood is impacting people’s lives; causes a lot of property damages/losses, impact people’s income, businesses, economy of the country and worsen one, when people loss their loved ones. Flood rescuer team and volunteers are facing a lot of challenges to evacuate flood victims due to water level’s too high, difficulty to access to certain area, difficult to transfer victim out from the area and so on. It takes a lot of times and efforts for recovery and back to normal situation. Peoples are suffering without a proper shelter, no food and no clean water for drinking. Children, pregnant women, sick people are most suffered ones during this bad time. Beside this, they are also facing a lot of diseases due to drink a dirty water and not properly cleaned foods. Therefore, most of the countries always come out with a various flood prevention solution and plan to prevent flood from happening in the near future. But not all the countries are lucky and succeeded in this. As a result, every year they are facing the same flood disaster. On top of that, those countries wasted a lot of moneys but yet without any better solution to control it. We, student from SJK(T) Simpang Lima school has a concern on flood problem and people’s wellbeing. Therefore, we have decided to take up a study on how to prevent flood and to provide a best solution could be shared to all countries beside the common or normal action plan such as widening/deepening the drainage system, clean up rubbish from drainage and so on. We will be providing a best solution whereby every country consider part of their main prevention plan and they should be able to prevent the flood, save people’s lives and protect people/animal; and avoid a major economic & social crisis from happening due to flood.