PR1069: YOLOv4 And EasyOCR In Automatic License Plate Recognition For Automatic Parking Fee System


VIC24 | Professional

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A ticket-based system has been beneficially managing parking spaces and controlling traffic flow in parking lots for a long time. However, the traditional ticket-based system poses several challenges, including frequent ticket dispenser failures, congestion during peak hours, and the machines needing regular maintenance. To address these issues, this study works on license plate recognition to automate the parking fee system using YOLOv4 and EasyOCR. The aim is to develop a system that recognize image character recognition on the vehicle license plates to automate the parking fee at the vehicle entrance and exit times. To achieve the goal, YOLOv4 and EasyOCR algorithms are used for license plate detection and character recognition. The study fulfils the character recognition requirement by detecting and reading license plates on vehicles, along with vehicle time in and time out. The mAP metric increases to 88.55% over the training period, showcasing the system enhanced detection and localization capabilities. In conclusion, this study successfully achieved its objective and presented a reliable and efficient system for an automated parking fee system. Despite some limitations, such as the need for future enhancements and real-world applicability, the proposed approach holds promise for enhancing parking management in public facilities. The findings of this study contribute to the advancement of automated systems for parking lot control and offer valuable insights for future research in this domain.