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CALCI-CAPS are dietary supplements formulated to provide an essential mineral crucial for maintaining bone health, muscle function, nerve transmission, and cardiovascular health in both humans and animals. The demand for these supplements is rising due to an aging human population, increasing health awareness, dietary trends such as veganism and lactose intolerance, and the high prevalence of osteoporosis, especially among postmenopausal women. In animals, calcium supplementation is important for the prevention of metabolic bone diseases, support of skeletal development in young animals, and maintenance of overall health in pets and livestock.The global market for calcium supplements is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5-7% over the next few years. This growth is driven by demographic trends, an increasing focus on preventive healthcare, and the expansion of pet ownership and livestock health management practices. Innovations in supplement formulations, including the addition of vitamin D and other nutrients to enhance calcium absorption, are also contributing to market expansion.However, the market faces challenges such as intense competition, regulatory hurdles, and the need for consumer education on the benefits and appropriate use of calcium supplements. Despite these challenges, the market potential remains robust, supported by ongoing research, product innovation, and the growing emphasis on health and wellness for both humans and animals.