YS1005: BALECO: An Alternative Product For Plastic Containers Made Of Banana Leaves

Melody Kanne Kenny Harley Labuan International School

VIC24 | Young Scientist

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BALECO is an innovative solution from the traditional concept of a multi-use container, suitable for storing jewelry, vegetables, fruits, and more. Its primary aim is to combat plastic pollution by offering an environmentally friendly biodegradable alternative that does not harm marine life. This container involves simple and affordable ingredients: water, flour, banana leaves, coconut oil, and natural food coloring. The process includes shredding and blending banana leaves, sun-drying them, mixing them with flour and water, molding, and baking. Finally, a coating of natural food coloring and coconut oil adds finishing touches. Before implementation, a survey was conducted among LIS teachers and students, revealing widespread acknowledgment of plastic waste's harmful impact on marine ecosystems despite everyday plastic use. Post-production, experiments with fish showed their curiosity and positive response to BALECO. Feedback from interviews with Jabatan Alam Sekitar was encouraging, with suggestions for future enhancements. BALECO's efficacy in benefiting marine life underscores the need for continued improvements, including visual enhancements and product diversification. In conclusion, BALECO represents a sustainable, multi-purpose container that not only aids in preserving aquatic ecosystems but also holds potential for broader applications across various industries. Its success underscores the importance of eco-friendly alternatives in combatting plastic pollution and fostering environmental stewardship.