ST1206: MuslimGPT


MuslimGPT is an innovative AI chatbot designed to provide accurate and contextually relevant answers to questions within the Islamic domain. In today's digitally connected world, there is a growing need for accessible and reliable sources of information particularly in matters of faith and religion. MuslimGPT aims to fill this gap by leveraging advanced natural language processing techniques to understand and respond to queries related to Islamic teachings, practices and culture. The development of MuslimGPT involved a rigorous process of data collection, preprocessing, and model training. A diverse range of Islamic texts, including the Quran, Hadith collections, scholarly works historical documents and Q&A’s served as the primary sources for training the model. Special attention was given to ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the data. The implementation of MuslimGPT has yielded promising results with 87% of users agreeing to its ability to effectively answer questions across various topics within the Islamic context. Through extensive testing and evaluation, 93% of users state that MuslimGPT has shown high levels of accuracy and reliability in providing responses that align with Islamic teachings and principles. 89% of users have praised its user-friendly interface and the depth of knowledge it offers on a wide range of Islamic subjects. The emergence of MuslimGPT represents a significant advancement in the field of AI-driven question answering systems tailored to specific cultural and religious contexts. By providing accessible and trustworthy information on Islam, the chatbot has the potential to empower individuals seeking guidance, education or clarification on matters of faith. Future enhancements may include expanding the dataset, improving language understanding capabilities and incorporating feedback mechanisms to further refine the accuracy and relevance of responses. Overall, MuslimGPT stands as a valuable tool for promoting understanding and enga