JS530: Mandarin Word Wizards: Empowering Non-Native Students With Transformative Flashcard

AYATUL HUSNA BINTI NORASWADI Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Lendu

In a rapidly globalizing world, the importance of learning Mandarin as a second language has become increasingly evident. However, traditional language learning methods often struggle to engage and sustain the interest of non-native speakers. This abstract introduces a groundbreaking initiative: "Mandarin Word Wizards." Our project aims to revolutionize Mandarin language acquisition through innovative flashcard games tailored specifically for non-native learners. Drawing upon the principles of gamification and cognitive psychology, Mandarin Word Wizards transcends conventional vocabulary drills by transforming them into dynamic and immersive experiences. Through a fusion of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning modalities, learners are transported into a captivating world where Mandarin language mastery becomes both accessible and enjoyable.