YS1098: Automated Medicine Dispensing Machine

Eimaiyan Kaliyappan SMK Sultan Badlishah

VIC24 | Young Scientist

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Medicines are essential for daily lives of people who consume for keeping their life healthy and in other circumstances medicines are taken by human to prevent or cure major illness besides others consume to stay alive. Medicines can be differentiated into two forms of category such as pills or in liquid. Even though it comes in different forms it still serves the main purpose such as providing aid through its drug transmission. Medicine can be consumed by anybody as long it is in the need to be taken at the necessary time and should properly prescribe by qualified physicians, such examples of medicines can be known as Panadol, Paracetamol, Antibiotics, Gabapetin, Albuterol and so on. Describing on chronic patient’s situation who needs to consume quite number of pills daily needed close attention, as such variety of techniques have been developed to assist patients in taking their medications at the proper time, thanks to high technology development. This dispensing machine can help to release medicines at the needed time and deliver to patients that need them. Therefore, it helps to engage people to be more alerted that they are desperate to take medicines by following prescriptions methods without any hesitation and any problem. By introducing Automated Medicine Dispensing Machine, it will create a friendly and trusted way to both parties like caretaker and to their patient. Automatic medication dispenser designed in a way that the caretaker will drop the pills into the cylinders and the pills will drop into the tray on set time without close supervision. Besides, it relieves the patient’s from the error-prone tasks of administering wrong medicine at wrong time. A required information about microcontroller interfaced with alphanumeric keypad, an LED display, two servo motors, an alarm system, two medicine storage cylinders been introduced. Then the design will be modelled and simulated using software programs such as Proteus to -simulate the circuit and Bascom AVR