Nabilla Ayu Safitri SMA Negeri 1 Kutowinangun
The use of single-use plastic in baby feeding equipment provides serious impact on the environment because plastic is difficult to decompose and contributes a lot of waste. As an alternative, making edible baby feeding equipment made from Moringa leaves, namely Moringa Bite Products, offers a solution which is environmentally friendly and sustainable. By replacing plastic with natural and biodegradable materials such as Moringa leaves can increase the volume of plastic waste reduced. In addition, Moringa leaves are rich in important nutrients that support toddler development such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. The use of this material in baby tableware offers more than just that environmental benefits but additional nutrients that are important for growth and toddler health. Edible baby feeding equipment made from Moringa leaves is available is an innovative choice because it doubles as a cutlery at the same time additional source of nutrition for babies, especially toddlers, and continues to support global efforts to reduce dependence on single-use plastic. Nevertheless, challenges such as durability, higher production costs, and complexity processes still need to be addressed to increase acceptance of this product in the market. Implementation of the use of this product needs to be supported by education and promotion to increase public understanding of the importance of choosing products which is environmentally friendly. Innovation in making baby tableware from leaves Moringa can be an effective solution to reduce plastic pollution as well supporting sustainable and healthier consumption patterns.